preprocesing.layout_engine package¶
preprocesing.layout_engine.helpers module¶
(parent)¶ Choose one panel from a parent panel’s children
- Parameters
parent – Parent panel whose children are
chosen from
- Returns
Index of chosen child panel
- Return type
(parent)¶ Choose a particular panel to return randomly and also return panels not chosen
- Parameters
parent – parent panel whose
children are picked from
- Returns
A tuple of a chosen child panel index
and a list the indices of those that weren’t
- Return type
(img, tol=0)¶ Crop the outside of the image where the pixels are black
- Parameters
img (PIL.Image) – image to be cropped
tol (int, optional) – tollerance level, defaults to 0
- Returns
Cropped image
- Return type
(page, n)¶ This function finds parent panels which have a particular number of children
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page to be searched
n (int) – number of children
- Returns
The children of the page
which hae n children
- Return type
(page, panels)¶ Get panels which are to actually be rendered recursively i.e. they are the leaves of the Page-Panel tree
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page to be searched
panels – A list of panels to be
returned by refernce
(panel, min_area=0.1, ret_panels=[])¶ Recursively get a set of panels which have a particular minimum area
- Parameters
panel (Panel) – parent panel
min_area – Minimum area as a ratio
of the page’s area, defaults to 0.1
- Parameters
ret_panels (list, optional) – Panels to return, defaults to []
(current)¶ A helper function used to invert the orientation indicator of the next panel based on the current panel i.e. if a parent is horizontal a child panel must be vertical
- Parameters
current – Current parent
- Returns
child panel orientation
- Return type
(point, change, old_line, orientation)¶ A helper function that uses the triangle similarity theorem which specifies that if one triangle is just a sub triangle of another i.e. is just one line drawn from any two sides it’s sides share a ratio.
- Parameters
point (tuple) – coordinate to be moved
change – amount the original line was moved
as a length
- Parameters
old_line (tuple) – original line which was moved
orientation – orientation of panel whose
line was moved therefore the line
- Returns
Amount the point needs to be adjusted
- Return type
(parent, line, change, orientation, direction)¶ A helper function that recursively moves the children of a parent panel to a particular line which is where the parent panel’s new side lines using a basic trignometric formula of similar triangles
- Parameters
parent (Panel) – Parent panel which is being transformed
line – A set of xy coordinates to move the
child panels to
- Parameters
change (float) – How much the parent panel’s line moved
orientation – orientation of the parent panel
i.e. horizontal or vertical
- Parameters
direction (str) – which of the line’s sides went up
preprocesing.layout_engine.page_creator module¶
(data)¶ This function is used to render a single page from a metadata json file to a target location.
- Parameters
paths – a tuple of the page metadata and output path
as well as whether or not to save the rendered file i.e. dry run or wet run
(metadata_dir, images_dir, dry=False)¶ Takes metadata json files and renders page images
- Parameters
metadata_dir (str) – A directory containing all the metadata json files
images_dir (str) – The output directory for the rendered pages
preprocesing.layout_engine.page_dataset_creator module¶
(page, image_dir, image_dir_path)¶ Add a background image to the page
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page to add background to
image_dir (list) – A list of images
image_dir_path – path to images used for adding
the full path to the page
- Returns
Page with background
- Return type
(page)¶ Adds panel boundary transformations to the page
(page, direction_list=[])¶ This function takes all the first child panels of a page and moves them to form a zigzag or a rhombus pattern
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page to be transformed
direction_list – A list of directions the page
should move it’s child panel’s corner’s to
- Returns
Transformed page
- Return type
(page, type_choice=None, pattern=None)¶ This function move panel boundaries to transform them into trapezoids and rhombuses
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page to be transformed
type_choice – If you want to specify
a particular transform type: rhombus or trapezoid, defaults to None
- Parameters
pattern – Based on the type choice choose a pattern.
For rhombus it’s left or right, for trapezoid it’s A or V defaults to None
- Returns
Transformed Page
- Return type
(image_dir, image_dir_path, font_files, text_dataset, speech_bubble_files, speech_bubble_tags)¶ This function creates page metadata for a single page. It includes transforms, background addition, random panel removal, panel shrinking, and the populating of panels with images and speech bubbles.
- Parameters
image_dir (list) – List of images to pick from
image_dir_path – Path of images dir to add to
- Parameters
font_files – list of font files for speech bubble
- Parameters
text_dataset – A dask dataframe of text to
pick to render within speech bubble
- Parameters
speech_bubble_files – list of base speech bubble
template files
- Parameters
speech_bubble_tags – a list of speech bubble
writing area tags by filename
- Returns
Created Page with all the bells and whistles
- Return type
(panel, image_dir, image_dir_path, font_files, text_dataset, speech_bubble_files, speech_bubble_tags, minimum_speech_bubbles=0)¶ This is a helper function that populates a single panel with an image, and a set of speech bubbles
- Parameters
panel (Panel) – Panel to add image and speech bubble to
image_dir (list) – List of images to pick from
image_dir_path – Path of images dir to add to
- Parameters
font_files – list of font files for speech bubble
- Parameters
text_dataset – A dask dataframe of text to
pick to render within speech bubble
- Parameters
speech_bubble_files – list of base speech bubble
template files
- Parameters
speech_bubble_tags – a list of speech bubble
writing area tags by filename
- Parameters
minimum_speech_bubbles – Set whether panels
have a minimum number of speech bubbles, defaults to 0
(n, parent, horizontal_vertical)¶ A function to take a parent Panel and divide it into n sub-panel’s vertically or horizontally with each panels having equal size ratios along the axis perpendicular to their orientation
NOTE: This function performs actions by reference
- Parameters
n (int) – Number of sub-panels
parent (Panel) – The parent panel being split
horizontal_vertical – Whether to render the sub-panels vertically
or horizontally in regards to the page
(n, parent, horizontal_vertical, shifts=[])¶ A function to take a parent Panel and divide it into n sub-panel’s vertically or horizontally with each panels having specified size ratios along the axis perpendicular to their orientation
NOTE: This function performs actions by reference
- Parameters
n (int) – Number of sub-panels
parent (Panel) – The parent panel being split
horizontal_vertical – Whether to render the sub-panels vertically
or horizontally in regards to the page
- Parameters
shifts (list) – Ratios to divide the panel into sub-panels
(parent, horizontal_vertical, shift=None)¶ Draw two subpanels of a parent panel
- Parameters
parent (Parent) – The parent panel to be split
horizontal_vertical – Orientation of sub-panels in refrence
to the page
- Parameters
shift (float, optional) – by what ratio should the 2 panels be split, defaults to None
(num_panels=0, layout_type=None, type_choice=None, page_name=None)¶ This function creates the base panels for one page it specifies how a page should be layed out and how many panels should be in it
- Parameters
num_panels – how many panels should be on a page
if 0 then the function chooses, defaults to 0
- Parameters
layout_type – whether the page should consist of
vertical, horizontal or both types of panels, defaults to None
- Parameters
type_choice – If having selected vh panels select a type
of layout specifically, defaults to None
- Parameters
page_name (str, optional) – A specific name for the page
- Returns
A Page object with the panels initalized
- Return type
(page, image_dir, image_dir_path, font_files, text_dataset, speech_bubble_files, speech_bubble_tags, minimum_speech_bubbles=0)¶ This function takes all the panels and adds backgorund images and speech bubbles to them
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page with panels to populate
image_dir (list) – List of images to pick from
image_dir_path – Path of images dir to add to
- Parameters
font_files – list of font files for speech bubble
- Parameters
text_dataset – A dask dataframe of text to
pick to render within speech bubble
- Parameters
speech_bubble_files – list of base speech bubble
template files
- Parameters
speech_bubble_tags – a list of speech bubble
writing area tags by filename
- Parameters
minimum_speech_bubbles – Set whether panels
have a minimum number of speech bubbles, defaults to 0
- Returns
Page with populated panels
- Return type
(page)¶ This function randomly removes a panel from pages which have more than n+1 panels
(page)¶ A function that uses the pyclipper library] to reduce the size of the panel polygon
- Parameters
page – Page whose panels are to be
- Returns
Page with shrunk panels
- Return type
(page, horizontal_vertical=None, type_choice=None, skew_side=None, number_to_slice=0)¶ Slices a panel once at an angle into two new panels
- Parameters
page (Page) – Page to have panels sliced
horizontal_vertical – Whether the slice should be horizontal
or vertical
- Parameters
type_choice – Specify whether the panel should be
sliced down the “center” or on a “side”, defaults to None
- Parameters
skew_side – Based on the type of slicing which direction should
it be sliced
- Parameters
number_to_slice (int) – Number of panels to slice
- Returns
page with sliced panels
- Return type
preprocesing.layout_engine.page_object_classes module¶
(coords=[], page_type='', num_panels=1, children=[], name=None)¶ Bases:
A class that represents a full page consiting of multiple child panels
- Parameters
coords (list) – A list of the boundary coordinates of a page
page_type – Signifies whether a page consists of vertical
or horizontal panels or both
- Parameters
num_panels (int) – Number of panels in this page
children (list, optional:) – List of direct child panels of this page
(dataset_path, dry=True)¶ A method to take all the Page’s relevant data and create a dictionary out of it so it can be exported to JSON so that it can then be loaded and rendered to images in parallel
- Parameters
dataset_path (str) – Where to dump the JSON file
dry (bool, optional) – Whether to just return or write the JSON file
- Returns
Optional return when running dry of a json data dump
- Return type
(filename)¶ This method reverses the dump_data function and load’s the metadata of the page from the JSON file that has been loaded.
- Parameters
filename (str) – JSON filename to load
(show=False)¶ A function to render this page to an image
- Parameters
show (bool, optional) – Whether to return this image or to show it
(coords, name, parent, orientation, children=[], non_rect=False)¶ Bases:
A class to encapsulate a panel of the manga page. Since the script works in a parent-child relationship where each panel child is an area subset of some parent panel, some panels aren’t leaf nodes and thus not rendered.
- Parameters
coords (list) – Coordinates of the boundary of the panel
name (str) – Unique name for the panel
parent (Panel) – The panel which this panel is a child of
orientation – Whether the panel consists of lines that are vertically
or horizotnally oriented in reference to the page
- Children
Children panels of this panel
- Non_rect
Whether the panel was transformed to be non rectangular
and thus has less or more than 4 coords
(panels)¶ Method to add multiple children at once
- Parameters
panels (list) – A list of Panel objects
()¶ A method to take all the Panel’s relevant data and create a dictionary out of it so it can be exported to JSON via the Page(Panel) class’s dump_data method
- Returns
A dictionary of the Panel’s data
- Return type
(idx)¶ Get a child panel by index
- Parameters
idx (int) – Index of a child panel
- Returns
The child at the idx
- Return type
()¶ Return the coords in a format that can be used to render a polygon via Pillow
- Returns
A tuple of coordinate tuples of the polygon’s vertices
- Return type
(data)¶ This method reverses the dump_data function and load’s the metadata of the panel from the subsection of the JSON file that has been loaded
- Parameters
data (dict) – A dictionary of this panel’s data
()¶ When chances are made to the xy coordinates variables directly this function allows you to refresh the coords variable with the changes
()¶ When chances are made to the xy coordinates directly this function allows you to refresh the x1y1… variable with the changes
(texts, text_indices, font, speech_bubble, writing_areas, resize_to, location, width, height, transforms=None, transform_metadata=None, text_orientation=None)¶ Bases:
A class to represent the metadata to render a speech bubble
- Parameters
texts – A list of texts from the text corpus to render in this
- Parameters
text_indices – The indices of the text from the dataframe
for easy retrival
- Parameters
font (str) – The path to the font used in the bubble
speech_bubble – The path to the base speech bubble file
used for this bubble
- Parameters
writing_areas – The areas within the bubble where it is okay
to render text
- Parameters
resize_to – The amount of area this text bubble should consist of
which is a ratio of the panel’s area
- Parameters
location – The location of the top left corner of the speech bubble
on the page
- Parameters
width (float) – Width of the speech bubble
height (float) – Height of the speech bubble
transforms – A list of transformations to change
the shape of the speech bubble
- Parameters
transform_metadata – Metadata associated with transformations,
defaults to None
- Parameters
text_orientation – Whether the text of this speech bubble
is written left to right ot top to bottom
()¶ A method to take all the SpeechBubble’s relevant data and create a dictionary out of it so it can be exported to JSON via the Page(Panel) class’s dump_data method
- Returns
Data to be returned to Page(Panel) class’s
dump_data method :rtype: dict
()¶ A function to render this speech bubble
- Returns
A list of states of the speech bubble,
the speech bubble itself, it’s mask and it’s location on the page :rtype: tuple